Chocolate Fudge Graham Parfaits

 Image result for Chocolate Fudge Graham Parfaits

Servings: 10 Time: 20 minutes


1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons graham cracker crumbs
1 cup fat-free chocolate ice-cream
1 tablespoon semisweet chocolate chips, divided


1. Mix in a food processor, sugar, cheese, vanilla, and brown sugar. Blend till smooth. Stir in with wooden spoon ½ tablespoon chocolate chips. 

2. Scoop about one-quarter ice-cream into each glass cup. Garnish with one tablespoon cheese mixture. Drizzle graham cracker crumbs on top. Do this for every layer. Freeze for 20 minutes to firm. 

3. Garnish with mini chips and cracker crumbs.

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