Rice Soup Delight

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Since busy kids are always on-the-go, they need food that are rich in nutrients and will also leave them feeling full to keep them active for a long time. Rice Soup Delight is perfect for your busy child because it can be considered a complete meal that is filling. 

1 cup cooked rice
2 egg yolks
1//2 cup boiled chicken, shredded
1 can evaporated milk
3 cups chicken broth
½ cup diced carrots
Salt and pepper to taste

In a bowl, mix egg yolk and milk.
Heat chicken broth in a pan using low flame.
Add half a cup of the broth into the mixture.
Add mixture slowly into the pan stirring it frequently.
When mixture slightly thickens, add cooked rice, carrots and chicken.
Season with salt and pepper.

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