What You Need:
- 4 oz. dried chestnuts, roasted
- 1/3 C soy milk
- 1/3 C apple juice
- 5 T maple syrup
- 1 t cinnamon plus a little extra
- 1/4 t nutmeg
- 1/3 C raisins
- 6 apples
- 2 T lemon juice
- 3/4 C white wine
- 1 T margarine
- 1 cinnamon stick
How to Make It:
- Roast the chestnuts according to package directions.
- Be sure to rinse the chestnuts under cold water and drain well.
- Using a sharp knife cut off the flat area and scrape out the chestnut meat.
- Place the chestnut meat into a blender
- Add the soy milk, apple juice, 4 T of the maple syrup, 1 T cinnamon and the nutmeg.
- Puree the mixture until smooth.
- Add the raisins.
- Peel the apples.
- Remove the core.
- Hollow out the apple being sure to leave about 1 in around and intact.
- Sprinkle the apples with the lemon juice.
- Sprinkle the inside of each apple with cinnamon.
- Chop the apple.
- Add the chopped apples to the puree and mix together well.
- Fill each apple with the filling.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Spray a baking dish lightly with a non stick cooking spray.
- Place the filled apples in the dish.
- Place the wine in a bowl.
- Stir in the remaining syrup.
- Pour the mixture into the dish around the bottom of the apples.
- Add the margarine to the wine mixture.
- Place the cinnamon stick in the middle of the dish.
- Bake 35 minutes being sure to baste the apples with the wine mixture a couple of times
- during baking.